In His Image Ministries

Spirit-Filled Ministry to the Whole Person


Adam Mills



"As practicing health/temperance advocates and gospel evangelists for over thirty years, our experience includes vegan restaurant and bakery management, cooking schools, natural remedies classes, radio broadcasting and general gospel evangelism. May your life be richly enhanced and transformed as we make these services available in the name and Person of Jesus Christ our Lord!"

what we do

Our Mission

In His Image Ministries exists to promote the work of God to prepare a people upon this earth who will believe in and receive the full benefits of the atonement of Christ – COMPLETE RESTORATION FROM THE CURSE OF SIN IN HUMANITY!

In His Image Ministries endeavors to do this through ministering to the mind by way of educational seminars and materials; ministry to the soul by way of spirited Christ-centered sermons and prayer support, and ministry to the body by way of practical instruction on the principles of healthful living. In His Image Ministries operates under  the conviction that “the end of all things is at hand” (1 Peter 4:7) and Christ will soon return! In view of this, a special work of preparation is required of all who would be fitted to  “withstand in the evil day and having done all to stand”  and “endure unto the end” ( Ephesians 6:13; Matthew 24:13). It is our earnest desire to equip all who are willing, with such a preparation to take their place under the blood-stained banner of Prince Immanuel in the final battle between Christ and Satan that is soon to be waged!

Patriarchs and Prophets P. 595

"The true object of education is to restore the image of God in the soul. In the beginning God created man in His own likeness. He endowed him with noble qualities. His mind was well balanced, and all the powers of his being were harmonious. But the Fall and its effects have perverted these gifts. Sin has marred and well-nigh obliterated the image of God in man. It was to restore this that the plan of salvation was devised, and a life of probation was granted to man. To bring him back to the perfection in which he was first created is the great object of life--the object that underlies every other."

Patriarchs and Prophets P. 595 ​


Services we provide include:


Services we provide include:



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